write something different

she wrote a haiku

about the person she loved

the haiku ended

roses are red violets are blue

i loved you do you love me too?

i LOVEd you

[ love or loved ]

there is a difference

i picked dandelions in the field

saving every wish for

y o u

i didn’t know if it would be worth it

but i risked it all for //you//

catch me wearing black on a sunny day

trying to keep hundreds of miles away

from the heat of your existence

but black absorbs heat

a haiku for love

she tried for the second time

but a match was lit//

she tries to write love poems

she tries to send him the love letter

but flames caught



[blue eyes in dim light]

that’s what lit the match

. . .

she wanted something different

something different from you

attempt 1: F

attempt 2: C-

attempt 3: A+

she tried something new

she divided

she revised

she multiplied

she ended with a sum

a difference

a solution that led back to you

she wrote…





does that count as a poem?

no emoji came close to the feelings she felt


she wanted new perspectives

she took cold showers

she drove in silence

she wrote left handed

she gave loose hugs

but everything came back to


she tried to rhyme

but she ran out of time

the rhyme got shredded

something she had always dreaded

it started with Y and ended with OU



haiku number 3

it got lost in the forest

no one to find it

does she make sense of herself

all she ever tries to do is write


inside of


tell her she’s different

because she tried it all

different writing

different words

different songs

different art

-tell her she’s different-

so she can finally end

what you started.

does it make it different?

11 thoughts on “write something different

  1. this is beautiful

    “she took cold showers

    she drove in silence

    she wrote left handed

    she gave loose hugs

    but everything came back to


    i like this part. it perfectly captures the inability to forget someone you once loved.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. when i read this i got chills and i felt like this class started to matter for a second and poetry started to matter for a second and trying to figure out how to say things started to matter for a second

    this was so lovely and #different and

    when i was 16 i went snowboarding for the first time and i went with my friend justin and he was really good at snowboarding but he rode with me on the bunny hill for an hour cuz i just couldn’t get the hang of it but finally i said let’s go to the mountain even though i wasn’t ready and i ended up getting a concussion and had to be driven down the mountain on a sled behind a 4-wheeler

    but just before i crashed, i was going so fast

    i didn’t know how to stop, i just flew

    downhill, faster and faster

    it was beautiful

    i know this sounds dramatic, but that’s sort of how i felt when i read this blog post

    Liked by 2 people

  3. “-tell her she’s different-

    so she can finally end

    what you started.”
    Love this end line because it really just closes the post perfectly. This post was beautiful and I love how you crafted everything. Lots of these lines stood out to me. Love this post❤️

    Liked by 1 person

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